Monday, 9 May 2011

Fan Art... Mondays?

I'm like 4 days late but whatever... Those that don't know/play Team Fortress 2 won't appreciate this in the slightest but I'm just trying to get back into using the tablet, it's been a while. 

I reckon you guys would like the artwork in that game actually, it's got some great character design. 


  1. Wow man, this looks very professional

  2. It really does! your drawing people/photoshop skills are def improving :) well done! meena says 'wah' :'( its so beautiful...

  3. Cheers guys, although I should have mentioned that I may have cheated a teensy weensy wee bitty bit. I posed the model in 3D for reference, the only reason I wanted to do it was to practice tablet techniques so the actual drawing is copied.

  4. Its great none the less! The team fortress characters rock too...
